The "Duh" Of Change
August 27th, 2018, I was hit by a car as a pedestrian, in a Walmart parking lot. Never in my wildest imagination did I think something like this would happen to me. But now I know...why not me? And that revelation has changed me. It seems like such an obvious notion. Of course, anything can happen to you, at any moment - that's a real "duh" - right? But we are usually so unaware of how academic that notion is in our minds, until something shakes the foundation of what we think we know. The new reality takes on flesh. The accident wasn't the only life changing event that happened that year. And in years prior there were several experiences that contributed to a weight that ultimately, by the time of the accident, brought me to a tipping point. The result, I could no longer deny the reality of change. No amount of exercise, makeup, self-help gurus or church (as I knew it) would support me anymore. In this blog, I will try to express what I've learned (so far) abo...